BrainScaleS-2 User Documentation¶
The documentation of the BrainScaleS-2 system comprises two main components:
Demos & Examples providing an introduction to the system and its usage,
and API documentation generated from in-code comments
- Demos & Examples
- Welcome to the BrainScaleS-2 Tutorial
- BrainScaleS-2 single neuron experiments
- Learning with the SuperSpike rule
- Introduction to matrix multiplication
- Exploring the analog MAC operation
- Train DNNs on BrainScaleS-2
- BrainScaleS-2 on-chip plasticity experiment
- Structured Neurons
- How to use Genetic Algorithms to automatically parameterize BrainScaleS-2
- Training an SNN on BrainScaleS-2 with PyTorch
- Executing the Notebooks
- Shared Hardware Resources
- Final test: Hardware Execution
- BrainScaleS-2 single neuron experiments
- Learning with the SuperSpike rule
- BrainScaleS-2 on-chip plasticity experiment
- Structured Neurons
- How to use Genetic Algorithms to automatically parameterize BrainScaleS-2
- Training an SNN on BrainScaleS-2 with PyTorch
- Exploring the dynamic range
- Introduction to matrix multiplication
- Exploring the analog MAC operation
- Train DNNs on BrainScaleS-2
- Introduction to the non-interactive queue runner
- Wie verarbeitet unser Gehirn Informationen?
- Unsere neuromorphe Hardware
- Wie können wir mit den künstlichen Nervenzellen kommunizieren?
- Experimente mit einer einzelnen Nervenzelle
- Experimente mit mehreren Nervenzellen Teil 1
- Experimente mit mehreren Nervenzellen Teil 2
- Maschinelles Lernen
- Neuronenverbindungen - Synapsen
- Synapsennetzwerke
- Welcome to the Advanced Physics Lab for Physicists by the Electronic Vision(s) Group
- Introduction to PyNN
- Binary operations using spiking neurons
- Sudoku
- Welcome to the BrainScaleS-2 Tutorial
- API Reference