API Reference: stadls

template<typename T>
class stadls::DecodeVisitor
#include <visitors.h>

Fill the visited containers by decoding the specified configuration data.

Each container should implement a decode member function that accepts an array of words read from the hardware. The first argument to the function can optionally be the coordinate of the container, should it be required to correctly decode the data. Containers that do not themselves contain data (i.e. containers of containers) can alternatively be tagged via

typedef std::false_type has_local_data;

See also

ReadAddressVisitor, which is used to extract the addresses to read the configuration data from.

Public Functions

inline DecodeVisitor(T data)
template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline void operator()(CoordinateT const &coordinate, ContainerT &config)

Private Types

typedef T::value_type value_type

Private Functions

template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT, typename DecodeContainerT, size_t N>
inline void decode(CoordinateT const&, ContainerT &container, void (DecodeContainerT::* decode)(std::array<value_type, N> const&))
template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT, typename DecodeContainerT, size_t N>
inline void decode(CoordinateT const &coordinate, ContainerT &container, void (DecodeContainerT::* decode)(CoordinateT const&, std::array<value_type, N> const&))
template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline auto impl(CoordinateT const&, ContainerT const&) -> typename std::enable_if<!ContainerT::has_local_data::value>::type
template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline auto impl(CoordinateT const &coordinate, ContainerT &container) -> decltype(&ContainerT::decode, void())
template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline auto impl(CoordinateT const &coordinate, ContainerT &container) -> decltype(&ContainerT::template decode<value_type>, void())
inline size_t remaining() const
template<size_t N>
inline auto slice() -> std::array<value_type, N>

Private Members

T m_data
T::const_iterator m_it
template<typename T>
class stadls::EncodeVisitor
#include <visitors.h>

Extract hardware configuration data for the visited containers.

Each container should implement an encode member function that returns an array of words to be written to the hardware. The first argument to the function can optionally be the coordinate of the container, should it be required to correctly encode the data. Containers that do not themselves contain data (i.e. containers of containers) can alternatively be tagged via

typedef std::false_type has_local_data;

See also

WriteAddressVisitor, which is used to extract the addresses to write the configuration data to.

Public Functions

inline EncodeVisitor(T &data)
template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline void operator()(CoordinateT const &coordinate, ContainerT &config)

Private Types

typedef T::value_type value_type

Private Functions

template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT, typename EncodeContainerT, size_t N>
inline void encode(CoordinateT const&, ContainerT const &container, std::array<value_type, N> (EncodeContainerT::* encode)() const)
template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT, typename EncodeContainerT, size_t N>
inline void encode(CoordinateT const &coordinate, ContainerT const &container, std::array<value_type, N> (EncodeContainerT::* encode)(CoordinateT const&) const)
template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline auto impl(CoordinateT const&, ContainerT const&) -> typename std::enable_if<!ContainerT::has_local_data::value>::type
template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline auto impl(CoordinateT const &coordinate, ContainerT const &container) -> decltype(&ContainerT::encode, void())
template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline auto impl(CoordinateT const &coordinate, ContainerT const &container) -> decltype(&ContainerT::template encode<value_type>, void())

Private Members

T &m_data
template<typename T>
struct stadls::ReadAddressVisitor
#include <visitors.h>

Extract addresses for reading from hardware for the visited containers.

Each container can provide addresses via a read_addresses member function or via a addresses member function in case the addresses for reading and writing are the same. Containers that do not themselves contain data to be read from the hardware (i.e. containers of containers) can alternatively be tagged via

typedef std::false_type has_local_data;

Public Functions

template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline void operator()(CoordinateT const &coord, ContainerT&)

Public Members

T &addresses

Private Functions

template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline auto impl(CoordinateT const &coord) -> decltype(ContainerT::addresses(coord), void())
template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline auto impl(CoordinateT const &coord) -> decltype(ContainerT::read_addresses(coord), void())
template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline auto impl(CoordinateT const &coord) -> decltype(ContainerT::template addresses<typename T::value_type>(coord), void())
template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline auto impl(CoordinateT const &coord) -> decltype(ContainerT::template read_addresses<typename T::value_type>(coord), void())
template<typename PPBType>
class stadls::vx::AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder

Public Functions

AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder(AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder<PPBType> &&other)
AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder(AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder<PPBType> const&) = delete
void copy(AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder<PPBType> const &other)

Copy command vector from other absolute_time_playback_program_builder and merge it into command vector from caller.


other – Absolute_time_playback_program_builder to be copied from

PPBType done()

Construct a playback_program_builder with according command queue.



bool empty() const
bool is_write_only() const
void merge(AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder<PPBType> &&other)

Merge other absolute_time_playback_program_builder into caller and empty command vector of other.


other – Absolute_time_playback_program_builder to be merged into caller

void merge(AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder<PPBType> &other)

Merge other absolute_time_playback_program_builder into caller and empty command vector of other.


other – Absolute_time_playback_program_builder to be merged into caller

AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder<PPBType> operator*(float const factor)

Copy caller scale time of all commands of this copy by certain factor.


factor – Scaling factor


Absolute_time_playback_program_builder with scaled command times

AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder<PPBType> &operator*=(float const factor)

Scales time of all commands by certain factor.


factor – Scaling factor

AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder<PPBType> operator+(haldls::vx::Timer::Value const offset) const

Copy caller and add time offset to all commands of this copy.


offset – Magnitude of time shift in FGPA clock cycles


Absolute_time_playback_program_builder with time offset

AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder<PPBType> &operator+=(haldls::vx::Timer::Value const offset)

Add a time offset to all commands.


offset – Magnitude of time shift in FGPA clock cycles

AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder<PPBType> &operator=(AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder<PPBType> &&other)
AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramContainerTicket read(haldls::vx::Timer::Value execTime, haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate const &coord)

Add command to read container data from given location.

  • execTime – Time stamp for FPGA when to execute command

  • coord – Coordinate value selecting location


Ticket for accessing measured data after experiment run

void write(haldls::vx::Timer::Value execTime, haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate const &coord, haldls::vx::Container const &config)

Add command to change given container value at given location.

  • execTime – Time stamp for FPGA when to execute command

  • coord – Coordinate value selecting location

  • config – Container configuration data

void write(haldls::vx::Timer::Value execTime, haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate const &coord, haldls::vx::Container const &config, haldls::vx::Container const &config_reference)

Add command to change given container value at given location.

  • execTime – Time stamp for FPGA when to execute command

  • coord – Coordinate value selecting location

  • config – Container configuration data

  • config_reference – Reference configuration for differential write

Private Members

std::vector<CommandData> m_commands
bool m_is_write_only = true


template<typename BuilderType>
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder<BuilderType> const &builder)

Print all commands in initial order.

struct stadls::vx::AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder::CommandData

Public Functions

CommandData(CommandData &&other)
CommandData(CommandData const &other)
CommandData(haldls::vx::Timer::Value time, haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate const &coord, haldls::vx::Container const &write_config)
CommandData(haldls::vx::Timer::Value time, haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate const &coord, haldls::vx::Container const &write_config, haldls::vx::Container const &write_config_reference)
CommandData(haldls::vx::Timer::Value time, haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate const &coord, std::shared_ptr<AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramContainerTicketStorage> const &read_ticket_storage)
bool operator<(CommandData const &other) const
CommandData &operator=(CommandData &&other)
CommandData &operator=(CommandData const &other)

Public Members

std::unique_ptr<haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate> coord
std::shared_ptr<AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramContainerTicketStorage> read_ticket_storage = nullptr
haldls::vx::Timer::Value time
std::unique_ptr<haldls::vx::Container> write_config = nullptr
std::unique_ptr<haldls::vx::Container> write_config_reference = nullptr
class stadls::vx::AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramContainerTicket

Ticket for to-be-available container data corresponding to a read instruction.

Public Functions

AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramContainerTicket() = default
haldls::vx::Container const &get() const

Get container data if available.


std::runtime_error – On container data not available yet


Container data

haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate const &get_coordinate() const

Get coordinate corresponding to location of (to be) read container data.


Coordinate value

haldls::vx::FPGATime get_fpga_time() const

Get FPGA executor timestamp of last container response if time annotation is enabled.

If time annotation is not enabled, get message count since last time annotation or from the beginning of the response stream.


FPGATime value

bool valid() const

Get whether container data is available.


Boolean value

Private Functions

AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramContainerTicket(std::shared_ptr<AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramContainerTicketStorage> const &ticket_storage)

Private Members

std::shared_ptr<AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramContainerTicketStorage> ticket_storage = nullptr


friend class AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder
struct stadls::vx::AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramContainerTicketStorage

Public Members

std::optional<ContainerTicket> container_ticket = std::nullopt
class stadls::vx::ContainerTicket
#include <container_ticket.h>

Ticket for to-be-available container data corresponding to a read instruction.

Public Functions

ContainerTicket() = default
ContainerTicket(ContainerTicket &&other) = default
ContainerTicket(ContainerTicket const &other)
haldls::vx::Container const &get() const

Get container data if available.

Returns constant reference to owned container instance.


std::runtime_error – On container data not available yet


Container data

haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate const &get_coordinate() const

Get coordinate corresponding to location of (to-be) read container data.

Returns constant reference to owned coordinate instance.


Coordinate value

haldls::vx::FPGATime get_fpga_time() const

Get FPGA executor timestamp of last container response if time annotation is enabled.

If time annotation is not enabled, get message count since last time annotation or from the beginning of the response stream.


FPGATime value

ContainerTicket &operator=(ContainerTicket &&other) = default
ContainerTicket &operator=(ContainerTicket const &other)
bool valid() const

Get whether container data is available.


Boolean value

Private Types

std::variant<#define PLAYBACK_CONTAINER(Name, Type) #define LAST_PLAYBACK_CONTAINER(Name, Type) > ticket_impl_type

Private Functions

inline ContainerTicket(std::unique_ptr<haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate> coord, std::unique_ptr<haldls::vx::Container> config, ticket_impl_type ticket_impl)

Private Members

mutable std::unique_ptr<haldls::vx::Container> m_config
std::unique_ptr<haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate> m_coord
ticket_impl_type m_ticket_impl


friend class detail::PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapterImpl
template<typename ContainerT, typename = void>
struct container_supports_empty_coordinate : public std::true_type
#include <supports_empty.h>
template<typename ContainerT>
struct container_supports_empty_coordinate<ContainerT, typename boost::enable_if_has_type<typename ContainerT::supports_empty_coordinate>::type> : public ContainerT::supports_empty_coordinate
#include <supports_empty.h>
struct stadls::vx::detail::DummyVisitor
#include <supports_empty.h>

Public Functions

template<typename ContainerT, typename CoordinateT>
inline void operator()(CoordinateT const&, ContainerT const&)
template<typename DoneType>
class stadls::vx::detail::Dumper
#include <dumper.h>

Dumper implements an interface derived from fisch::vx::PlaybackProgramBuilder.

However, it does work on haldls container/halco coordinate pairs instead of fisch containers. Reads are not supported as there is currently no application; writes are collected into a std container holding coordinate/container pairs. The std container is returned by done().

Public Types

typedef DoneType done_type

Public Functions

Dumper() = default

Default constructor.

Dumper(Dumper&&) = default

Move constructor.

Dumper(Dumper const&) = delete

Copy constructor forbidden.

~Dumper() = default


void block_until(haldls::vx::BlockUntil::Coordinate const &coord, haldls::vx::BlockUntil const &condition)

Add instruction to block execution until specified condition is satisfied.

  • coord – Coordinate for which to block

  • condition – Condition to block execution for until satisfaction

void copy_back(Dumper const &other)

Copy other Dumper to the end of this instance.

The copied-from builder is untouched during the process.


std::runtime_error – On other builder not being write only


other – Builder to copy to this instance at the back

done_type done()

Return ordered list of write coordinate-container pairs.


Ordered list of writes of coordinate-container pairs.

bool empty() const

Get whether builder is empty, i.e.

no instructions are embodied.


Boolean value

void merge_back(Dumper &other)

Merge other Dumper to the end of this instance.

The moved-from builder is emptied during the process.


other – Builder to move to this instance at the back

void merge_front(Dumper &other)

Merge other PlaybackProgramBuilder to the beginning of this builder instance.

The moved-from builder is emptied during the process.


other – Builder to move to this instance at the front

Dumper &operator=(Dumper&&) = default

Move assignment operator.

Dumper &operator=(Dumper const&) = delete

Copy assignment forbidden.

ContainerTicket read(haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate const &coord)

We do not support read and throw at runtime.

void write(haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate const &coord, haldls::vx::Container const &config)

Add write instruction for container.

  • coord – Container coordinate

  • config – Container data

Private Functions

template<class Archive, typename T>
friend void serialize(Archive &ar, Dumper<T> &value, std::uint32_t const version)

Private Members

done_type m_dumpit


template<typename T>
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Dumper<T> const &builder)

Print coordinate/container pairs added until now.


Altered ostream

template<typename BuilderStorage, typename DoneType>
class stadls::vx::detail::PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter

Sequential PlaybackProgram builder.

Public Types

typedef BuilderStorage Builder

Public Functions


Construct builder.

PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter(PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter &&other)
PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter(PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter const&) = delete
void block_until(haldls::vx::BlockUntil::Coordinate const &coord, haldls::vx::BlockUntil const &condition)

Add instruction to block execution until specified condition is satisfied.

  • coord – Coordinate for which to block

  • condition – Condition to block execution for until satisfaction

void copy_back(BuilderStorage const &other)

Copy BuilderStorage to the end of this builder instance.

The copied-from storage is untouched during the process.


std::runtime_error – On other builder not being write only


other – BuilderStorage to copy to this instance at the back

void copy_back(PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter const &other)

Copy other PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter to the end of this builder instance.

The copied-from builder is untouched during the process.


std::runtime_error – On other builder not being write only


other – Builder to copy to this instance at the back

DoneType done()

Close PlaybackProgram build process and return executable program.


Executable PlaybackProgram

bool empty() const

Get whether builder is empty, i.e.

no instructions are embodied.


Boolean value

bool is_write_only() const

Get whether builder only stores write instructions.


Boolean value

void merge_back(BuilderStorage &&other)

Merge BuilderStorage to the end of this builder instance.

The moved-from storage is emptied during the process.


other – BuilderStorage to move to this instance at the back

void merge_back(BuilderStorage &other)

Merge BuilderStorage to the end of this builder instance.

The moved-from storage is emptied during the process.


other – BuilderStorage to move to this instance at the back

void merge_back(PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter &&other)

Merge other PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter to the end of this builder instance.

The moved-from builder is emptied during the process.


other – Builder to move to this instance at the back

void merge_back(PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter &other)

Merge other PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter to the end of this builder instance.

The moved-from builder is emptied during the process.


other – Builder to move to this instance at the back

PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter &operator=(PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter &&other)
ContainerTicket read(haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate const &coord)

Add instructions to read container data from given location.


coord – Coordinate value selecting location

ContainerTicket read(haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate const &coord, haldls::vx::Backend backend)

Add instructions to read container data from given location.

  • coord – Coordinate value selecting location

  • backend – Backend selection

size_t size_from_fpga() const

Get number of expected UT messages from FPGA.



size_t size_to_fpga() const

Get number of UT messages to FPGA.



void write(haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate const &coord, haldls::vx::Container const &config)

Add instructions to write given container to given location.

  • coord – Coordinate value selecting location

  • config – Container configuration data

void write(haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate const &coord, haldls::vx::Container const &config, haldls::vx::Backend backend)

Add instructions to write given container to given location.

  • coord – Coordinate value selecting location

  • config – Container configuration data

  • backend – Backend selection

void write(haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate const &coord, haldls::vx::Container const &config, haldls::vx::Container const &config_reference)

Add instructions to write given container to given location.

  • coord – Coordinate value selecting location

  • config – Container configuration data

  • config_reference – Reference configuration for differential write

void write(haldls::vx::Container::Coordinate const &coord, haldls::vx::Container const &config, haldls::vx::Container const &config_reference, haldls::vx::Backend backend)

Add instructions to write given container to given location.

  • coord – Coordinate value selecting location

  • config – Container configuration data

  • config_reference – Reference configuration for differential write

  • backend – Backend selection

Private Functions

template<class Archive, typename T, typename U>
friend void serialize(Archive &ar, PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter<T, U> &value, std::uint32_t const version)

Private Members

friend Impl
std::unique_ptr<BuilderStorage> m_builder_impl
std::unordered_set<hxcomm::vx::Target> m_unsupported_targets


template<typename T, typename U>
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter<T, U> const &builder)
template<typename, typename>
class PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapterImpl
template<typename Builder, typename Result>
struct stadls::vx::PlaybackGeneratorReturn

Return type of generate() call on playback sequence.

Allows named access to generated PlaybackProgramBuilder and to be specified Result value.

Template Parameters

Result – Result data structure, e.g. read-ticket data

Public Members

Builder builder
Result result
class stadls::vx::PlaybackProgram
#include <playback_program.h>

Sequential stream of executable instructions for the executor and result-container for event response data during execution.

Public Types

typedef fisch::vx::PlaybackProgram::madc_sample_pack_counts_type madc_sample_pack_counts_type
typedef std::vector<haldls::vx::MADCSampleFromChip> madc_samples_type
typedef fisch::vx::PlaybackProgram::spike_pack_counts_type spike_pack_counts_type
typedef std::vector<haldls::vx::SpikeFromChip> spikes_type

Public Functions


Default constructor.

bool empty() const

Get whether program is empty, i.e.

does not feature any commands to be sent.


Boolean value

Get vector of time-annotated highspeed-link notifications.


Vector of notifications

madc_samples_type get_madc_samples() const

Get vector of time-annotated MADC sample events.


Vector of sample events

madc_sample_pack_counts_type const &get_madc_samples_pack_counts() const

Get number of occurences of MADC sample packing from chip.


Array of packing occurences

spikes_type get_spikes() const

Get vector of time-annotated spike events.


Vector of spike events

spike_pack_counts_type const &get_spikes_pack_counts() const

Get number of occurences of spike packing from chip.


Array of packing occurences

std::unordered_set<hxcomm::vx::Target> const &get_unsupported_targets() const

Get set of unsupported targets.


Set of target restictions

bool operator!=(PlaybackProgram const &other) const
bool operator==(PlaybackProgram const &other) const

Private Functions

PlaybackProgram(std::shared_ptr<fisch::vx::PlaybackProgram> const &program_impl, std::unordered_set<hxcomm::vx::Target> unsupported_targets)

Construct PlaybackProgram from implementation.

Used in PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter

  • program_impl – Implementation playback program

  • unsupported_targets – Build-imposed restrictions on targets

template<typename Archive>
friend void serialize(Archive &ar, PlaybackProgram&, uint32_t)

Get spikes as 2D matrix, i.e.

numpy array(s).


We expose the data as a flat numpy DTYPE with the same data layout as the underlying SpikeFromChipDType type. Get MADC samples as 2D matrix, i.e. numpy array(s).


We expose the data as a flat numpy DTYPE with the same data layout as the underlying MADCSampleFromChipDType type.

Private Members

std::shared_ptr<fisch::vx::PlaybackProgram> m_program_impl
std::unordered_set<hxcomm::vx::Target> m_unsupported_targets
friend ReinitStackEntry


friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, PlaybackProgram const &program)
template<typename Connection>
friend RunTimeInfo run(Connection&, PlaybackProgram&)

Transfer and execute the given playback program and fetch results.

Template Parameters

Connection – Connection type to be used for running the program

  • connection – Connection instance to be used for running the program

  • programPlaybackProgram to run


Run time information

friend class stadls::vx::detail::PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter
friend class stadls::vx::detail::PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapterImpl
class stadls::vx::ReinitStackEntry

Public Functions

ReinitStackEntry() = delete
template<typename Connection>
ReinitStackEntry(Connection &connection)
ReinitStackEntry(ReinitStackEntry&&) = default
ReinitStackEntry(ReinitStackEntry const&) = delete
void enforce()
ReinitStackEntry &operator=(ReinitStackEntry&&) = default
void pop()
void set(PlaybackProgram const &pbmem_request, std::optional<PlaybackProgram> const &pbmem_snapshot = std::nullopt, bool enforce = true)

Set and maybe enforce reinit stack entry value.

  • pbmem_request – Playback program to be executed once a reinit is required.

  • pbmem_snapshot – Playback program to be executed once the exclusive access to the hardware is relinquished. All read commands within this program are translated to writes and replace the pbmem_request for future reinit operations. This is to be used to snapshot (parts of) the current state of the hardware prior to releasing the exclusive access to other users and be able to reapply this state at the next reinit operation without need for client-side synchronisation and transform of the read-out data. Currently only Omnibus read -> write operations are supported.

  • enforce – Whether to directly apply the pbmem_request or only apply it during the next reinit.

Private Members

std::unique_ptr<Impl> m_impl
template<typename CoordinateT>
struct stadls::vx::v3::CoordinateToContainer

Given a coordinate type, resolves the corresponding unique container type.

Template Parameters

CoordinateT – Coordinate type to resolve container type for

Public Types

typedef hate::index_type_list_by_integer<hate::index_type_list_by_type<CoordinateT, coordinate_list>::value, container_list>::type type
class stadls::vx::v3::detail::InitGenerator
#include <init_generator.h>

Subclassed by stadls::vx::v3::DigitalInit, stadls::vx::v3::ExperimentInit

Public Types

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::ADPLL, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v3::ADPLLOnDLS> adplls_type

ADPLL setting.

typedef v3::PlaybackProgramBuilder Builder

Builder typedef (e.g.

for usage in generators).

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v3::CapMemBlockConfig, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v3::CapMemBlockConfigOnDLS> capmem_block_config_type

Initialize the CapMem with usable default values.

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v3::CapMemBlock, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v3::CapMemBlockOnDLS> capmem_block_type

Set initial CapMem config.

By default, a value of zero is written to all cells.

typedef hate::Nil Result

Public Functions


Default constructor.

Public Members

adplls_type adplls
capmem_block_config_type capmem_block_config
capmem_block_type capmem_config
lola::vx::DACChannelBlock dac_channel_block

DAC channel configs on xBoard.

lola::vx::DACControlBlock dac_control_block

DAC control config on xBoard.

bool enable_capmem

Select whether the CapMem should be enabled.


The CapMem initialization requires highspeed access.

bool enable_highspeed_link

Enable Highspeed connection.


Disabling this discards all highspeed related configuration.

bool enable_xboard

Enable xBoard DAC and shift register configuration.

Disabling this allows to discard unnecessary configuration when simulating.


Disabling this discards all xBoard configuration

haldls::vx::EventRecordingConfig event_recording

Event recording config, defaults to active recording.

struct stadls::vx::v3::detail::InitGenerator::HighspeedLink highspeed_link
haldls::vx::InstructionTimeoutConfig instruction_timeout

Instruction timeout duration on FPGA config.

haldls::vx::JTAGClockScaler jtag_clock_scaler

JTAG clock scaler setting.

lola::vx::v3::MemoryTiming memory_timing

Memory timing settings.

haldls::vx::v3::PLLClockOutputBlock pll_clock_output_block

PLL clock output block setting.

haldls::vx::v3::ReferenceGeneratorConfig reference_generator_config

Generate usable reference current for the CapMem.

haldls::vx::ShiftRegister shift_register

Shift register on xBoard config.

haldls::vx::SynapseBiasSelection synapse_bias_selection

Select internal bias currents for synapses.

Protected Functions

PlaybackGeneratorReturn<Result> generate() const

Generate PlaybackProgramBuilder.


PlaybackGeneratorReturn instance with sequence embodied and specified Result value


friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, InitGenerator const &sequence)
friend auto generate(InitGenerator const&)
struct stadls::vx::v3::detail::InitGenerator::HighspeedLink
#include <init_generator.h>

Public Types

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::PhyConfigChip, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v3::PhyConfigChipOnDLS> phy_configs_chip_type

Highspeed-link PHY settings for the chip side.

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::PhyConfigFPGA, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v3::PhyConfigFPGAOnDLS> phy_configs_fpga_type

Highspeed-link PHY settings for the FPGA side.

Public Functions


Default constructor.

Public Members

haldls::vx::CommonPhyConfigChip common_phy_config_chip

Highspeed-link PHY enable values for the chip side.

haldls::vx::CommonPhyConfigFPGA common_phy_config_fpga

Highspeed-link PHY enable values for the FPGA side.

bool enable_systime

Enable systime synchronization.


Disabling this discards all systime related configuration, i.e. setting the SystimeSyncBase and initiating the time hand-shake between the chip and the FPGA. This leads to no time annotation being present in the response stream.

phy_configs_chip_type phy_configs_chip
phy_configs_fpga_type phy_configs_fpga
haldls::vx::SystimeSyncBase systime_sync_base

Systime synchronization base value.

class stadls::vx::v3::DigitalInit : public stadls::vx::v3::detail::InitGenerator
#include <init_generator.h>

Generator for initialization of the chip up to digital communication.

Uses the default InitGenerator() to establish digital communication to the chip.

Public Types

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::ADPLL, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v3::ADPLLOnDLS> adplls_type

ADPLL setting.

typedef v3::PlaybackProgramBuilder Builder

Builder typedef (e.g.

for usage in generators).

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v3::CapMemBlockConfig, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v3::CapMemBlockConfigOnDLS> capmem_block_config_type

Initialize the CapMem with usable default values.

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v3::CapMemBlock, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v3::CapMemBlockOnDLS> capmem_block_type

Set initial CapMem config.

By default, a value of zero is written to all cells.

typedef hate::Nil Result

Public Functions


Default constructor.

Public Members

adplls_type adplls
capmem_block_config_type capmem_block_config
capmem_block_type capmem_config
lola::vx::DACChannelBlock dac_channel_block

DAC channel configs on xBoard.

lola::vx::DACControlBlock dac_control_block

DAC control config on xBoard.

bool enable_capmem

Select whether the CapMem should be enabled.


The CapMem initialization requires highspeed access.

bool enable_highspeed_link

Enable Highspeed connection.


Disabling this discards all highspeed related configuration.

bool enable_xboard

Enable xBoard DAC and shift register configuration.

Disabling this allows to discard unnecessary configuration when simulating.


Disabling this discards all xBoard configuration

haldls::vx::EventRecordingConfig event_recording

Event recording config, defaults to active recording.

struct stadls::vx::v3::detail::InitGenerator::HighspeedLink highspeed_link
haldls::vx::InstructionTimeoutConfig instruction_timeout

Instruction timeout duration on FPGA config.

haldls::vx::JTAGClockScaler jtag_clock_scaler

JTAG clock scaler setting.

lola::vx::v3::MemoryTiming memory_timing

Memory timing settings.

haldls::vx::v3::PLLClockOutputBlock pll_clock_output_block

PLL clock output block setting.

haldls::vx::v3::ReferenceGeneratorConfig reference_generator_config

Generate usable reference current for the CapMem.

haldls::vx::ShiftRegister shift_register

Shift register on xBoard config.

haldls::vx::SynapseBiasSelection synapse_bias_selection

Select internal bias currents for synapses.

Protected Functions

PlaybackGeneratorReturn<Result> generate() const

Generate PlaybackProgramBuilder.


PlaybackGeneratorReturn instance with sequence embodied and specified Result value


friend auto generate(DigitalInit const&)
struct stadls::vx::v3::DumperDone
#include <dumperdone.h>

Public Types

typedef std::pair<std::unique_ptr<haldls::vx::Encodable::Coordinate>, std::unique_ptr<haldls::vx::Encodable>> coco_type

Variant over all coordinate/container pairs.

typedef std::vector<coco_type> values_type

Public Functions

DumperDone() = default
DumperDone(DumperDone&&) = default
DumperDone(DumperDone const&) = delete
bool operator!=(DumperDone const &other) const
DumperDone &operator=(DumperDone&&) = default
DumperDone &operator=(DumperDone const&) = delete
bool operator==(DumperDone const &other) const
void remove_block_until()

Remove entries which contain block_until commands.

void squash()

For each coordinate value only retain the latest command.

Order between different container types is not preserved.

Public Members

values_type values

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
friend void serialize(Archive &ar, DumperDone &value, std::uint32_t)
class stadls::vx::v3::ExperimentInit : public stadls::vx::v3::detail::InitGenerator
#include <init_generator.h>

Generator for initialization required for typical experiments.

Uses the InitGenerator() to establish digital communication to the chip, and further initializes the CapMem in a working state and selects internal bias currents for synapses.

Public Types

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::ADPLL, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v3::ADPLLOnDLS> adplls_type

ADPLL setting.

typedef PlaybackProgramBuilder Builder

Builder typedef (e.g.

for usage in generators).

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v3::CapMemBlockConfig, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v3::CapMemBlockConfigOnDLS> capmem_block_config_type

Initialize the CapMem with usable default values.

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v3::CapMemBlock, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v3::CapMemBlockOnDLS> capmem_block_type

Set initial CapMem config.

By default, a value of zero is written to all cells.

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v3::ColumnCorrelationQuad, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v3::ColumnCorrelationQuadOnDLS> column_correlation_quad_type

Set ColumnCorrelationQuad/Switch connections.

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v3::ColumnCurrentQuad, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v3::ColumnCurrentQuadOnDLS> column_current_quad_type

Set ColumnCurrentQuad/Switch connections.

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v3::CommonCorrelationConfig, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v3::CommonCorrelationConfigOnDLS> common_correlation_config_type

Set common correlation config.

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::CommonNeuronBackendConfig, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v3::CommonNeuronBackendConfigOnDLS> common_neuron_backend_config_type

Set common neuron backend with clocks enabled.

If clocks are disabled, it may behave strangely.

typedef detail::InitGenerator::Result Result

Public Functions


Default constructor.

Public Members

adplls_type adplls
capmem_block_config_type capmem_block_config
capmem_block_type capmem_config
column_correlation_quad_type column_correlation_quad_config
column_current_quad_type column_current_quad_config
common_correlation_config_type common_correlation_config
common_neuron_backend_config_type common_neuron_backend_config
lola::vx::DACChannelBlock dac_channel_block

DAC channel configs on xBoard.

lola::vx::DACControlBlock dac_control_block

DAC control config on xBoard.

bool enable_capmem

Select whether the CapMem should be enabled.


The CapMem initialization requires highspeed access.

bool enable_highspeed_link

Enable Highspeed connection.


Disabling this discards all highspeed related configuration.

bool enable_xboard

Enable xBoard DAC and shift register configuration.

Disabling this allows to discard unnecessary configuration when simulating.


Disabling this discards all xBoard configuration

haldls::vx::EventRecordingConfig event_recording

Event recording config, defaults to active recording.

struct stadls::vx::v3::detail::InitGenerator::HighspeedLink highspeed_link
haldls::vx::InstructionTimeoutConfig instruction_timeout

Instruction timeout duration on FPGA config.

haldls::vx::JTAGClockScaler jtag_clock_scaler

JTAG clock scaler setting.

lola::vx::v3::MemoryTiming memory_timing

Memory timing settings.

haldls::vx::v3::PLLClockOutputBlock pll_clock_output_block

PLL clock output block setting.

haldls::vx::v3::ReferenceGeneratorConfig reference_generator_config

Generate usable reference current for the CapMem.

haldls::vx::ShiftRegister shift_register

Shift register on xBoard config.

haldls::vx::SynapseBiasSelection synapse_bias_selection

Select internal bias currents for synapses.

Private Functions

PlaybackGeneratorReturn<Result> generate() const

Generate PlaybackProgramBuilder.


PlaybackGeneratorReturn instance with sequence embodied and specified Result value


friend auto generate(ExperimentInit const&)
template<typename CoordinateT>
struct stadls::vx::v4::CoordinateToContainer

Given a coordinate type, resolves the corresponding unique container type.

Template Parameters

CoordinateT – Coordinate type to resolve container type for

Public Types

typedef hate::index_type_list_by_integer<hate::index_type_list_by_type<CoordinateT, coordinate_list>::value, container_list>::type type
class stadls::vx::v4::detail::InitGenerator
#include <init_generator.h>

Subclassed by stadls::vx::v4::DigitalInit, stadls::vx::v4::ExperimentInit

Public Types

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::ADPLL, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v4::ADPLLOnDLS> adplls_type

ADPLL setting.

typedef v4::PlaybackProgramBuilder Builder

Builder typedef (e.g.

for usage in generators).

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v4::CapMemBlockConfig, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v4::CapMemBlockConfigOnDLS> capmem_block_config_type

Initialize the CapMem with usable default values.

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v4::CapMemBlock, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v4::CapMemBlockOnDLS> capmem_block_type

Set initial CapMem config.

By default, a value of zero is written to all cells.

typedef hate::Nil Result

Public Functions


Default constructor.

Public Members

adplls_type adplls
capmem_block_config_type capmem_block_config
capmem_block_type capmem_config
lola::vx::DACChannelBlock dac_channel_block

DAC channel configs on xBoard.

lola::vx::DACControlBlock dac_control_block

DAC control config on xBoard.

bool enable_capmem

Select whether the CapMem should be enabled.


The CapMem initialization requires highspeed access.

bool enable_highspeed_link

Enable Highspeed connection.


Disabling this discards all highspeed related configuration.

bool enable_xboard

Enable xBoard DAC and shift register configuration.

Disabling this allows to discard unnecessary configuration when simulating.


Disabling this discards all xBoard configuration

haldls::vx::EventRecordingConfig event_recording

Event recording config, defaults to active recording.

struct stadls::vx::v4::detail::InitGenerator::HighspeedLink highspeed_link
haldls::vx::InstructionTimeoutConfig instruction_timeout

Instruction timeout duration on FPGA config.

haldls::vx::JTAGClockScaler jtag_clock_scaler

JTAG clock scaler setting.

lola::vx::v4::MemoryTiming memory_timing

Memory timing settings.

haldls::vx::v4::PLLClockOutputBlock pll_clock_output_block

PLL clock output block setting.

haldls::vx::v4::ReferenceGeneratorConfig reference_generator_config

Generate usable reference current for the CapMem.

haldls::vx::ShiftRegister shift_register

Shift register on xBoard config.

haldls::vx::SynapseBiasSelection synapse_bias_selection

Select internal bias currents for synapses.

Protected Functions

PlaybackGeneratorReturn<Result> generate() const

Generate PlaybackProgramBuilder.


PlaybackGeneratorReturn instance with sequence embodied and specified Result value


friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, InitGenerator const &sequence)
friend auto generate(InitGenerator const&)
struct stadls::vx::v4::detail::InitGenerator::HighspeedLink
#include <init_generator.h>

Public Types

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::PhyConfigChip, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v4::PhyConfigChipOnDLS> phy_configs_chip_type

Highspeed-link PHY settings for the chip side.

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::PhyConfigFPGA, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v4::PhyConfigFPGAOnDLS> phy_configs_fpga_type

Highspeed-link PHY settings for the FPGA side.

Public Functions


Default constructor.

Public Members

haldls::vx::CommonPhyConfigChip common_phy_config_chip

Highspeed-link PHY enable values for the chip side.

haldls::vx::CommonPhyConfigFPGA common_phy_config_fpga

Highspeed-link PHY enable values for the FPGA side.

bool enable_systime

Enable systime synchronization.


Disabling this discards all systime related configuration, i.e. setting the SystimeSyncBase and initiating the time hand-shake between the chip and the FPGA. This leads to no time annotation being present in the response stream.

phy_configs_chip_type phy_configs_chip
phy_configs_fpga_type phy_configs_fpga
haldls::vx::SystimeSyncBase systime_sync_base

Systime synchronization base value.

class stadls::vx::v4::DigitalInit : public stadls::vx::v4::detail::InitGenerator
#include <init_generator.h>

Generator for initialization of the chip up to digital communication.

Uses the default InitGenerator() to establish digital communication to the chip.

Public Types

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::ADPLL, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v4::ADPLLOnDLS> adplls_type

ADPLL setting.

typedef v4::PlaybackProgramBuilder Builder

Builder typedef (e.g.

for usage in generators).

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v4::CapMemBlockConfig, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v4::CapMemBlockConfigOnDLS> capmem_block_config_type

Initialize the CapMem with usable default values.

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v4::CapMemBlock, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v4::CapMemBlockOnDLS> capmem_block_type

Set initial CapMem config.

By default, a value of zero is written to all cells.

typedef hate::Nil Result

Public Functions


Default constructor.

Public Members

adplls_type adplls
capmem_block_config_type capmem_block_config
capmem_block_type capmem_config
lola::vx::DACChannelBlock dac_channel_block

DAC channel configs on xBoard.

lola::vx::DACControlBlock dac_control_block

DAC control config on xBoard.

bool enable_capmem

Select whether the CapMem should be enabled.


The CapMem initialization requires highspeed access.

bool enable_highspeed_link

Enable Highspeed connection.


Disabling this discards all highspeed related configuration.

bool enable_xboard

Enable xBoard DAC and shift register configuration.

Disabling this allows to discard unnecessary configuration when simulating.


Disabling this discards all xBoard configuration

haldls::vx::EventRecordingConfig event_recording

Event recording config, defaults to active recording.

struct stadls::vx::v4::detail::InitGenerator::HighspeedLink highspeed_link
haldls::vx::InstructionTimeoutConfig instruction_timeout

Instruction timeout duration on FPGA config.

haldls::vx::JTAGClockScaler jtag_clock_scaler

JTAG clock scaler setting.

lola::vx::v4::MemoryTiming memory_timing

Memory timing settings.

haldls::vx::v4::PLLClockOutputBlock pll_clock_output_block

PLL clock output block setting.

haldls::vx::v4::ReferenceGeneratorConfig reference_generator_config

Generate usable reference current for the CapMem.

haldls::vx::ShiftRegister shift_register

Shift register on xBoard config.

haldls::vx::SynapseBiasSelection synapse_bias_selection

Select internal bias currents for synapses.

Protected Functions

PlaybackGeneratorReturn<Result> generate() const

Generate PlaybackProgramBuilder.


PlaybackGeneratorReturn instance with sequence embodied and specified Result value


friend auto generate(DigitalInit const&)
struct stadls::vx::v4::DumperDone
#include <dumperdone.h>

Public Types

typedef std::pair<std::unique_ptr<haldls::vx::Encodable::Coordinate>, std::unique_ptr<haldls::vx::Encodable>> coco_type

Variant over all coordinate/container pairs.

typedef std::vector<coco_type> values_type

Public Functions

DumperDone() = default
DumperDone(DumperDone&&) = default
DumperDone(DumperDone const&) = delete
bool operator!=(DumperDone const &other) const
DumperDone &operator=(DumperDone&&) = default
DumperDone &operator=(DumperDone const&) = delete
bool operator==(DumperDone const &other) const
void remove_block_until()

Remove entries which contain block_until commands.

void squash()

For each coordinate value only retain the latest command.

Order between different container types is not preserved.

Public Members

values_type values

Private Functions

template<typename Archive>
friend void serialize(Archive &ar, DumperDone &value, std::uint32_t)
class stadls::vx::v4::ExperimentInit : public stadls::vx::v4::detail::InitGenerator
#include <init_generator.h>

Generator for initialization required for typical experiments.

Uses the InitGenerator() to establish digital communication to the chip, and further initializes the CapMem in a working state and selects internal bias currents for synapses.

Public Types

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::ADPLL, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v4::ADPLLOnDLS> adplls_type

ADPLL setting.

typedef PlaybackProgramBuilder Builder

Builder typedef (e.g.

for usage in generators).

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v4::CapMemBlockConfig, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v4::CapMemBlockConfigOnDLS> capmem_block_config_type

Initialize the CapMem with usable default values.

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v4::CapMemBlock, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v4::CapMemBlockOnDLS> capmem_block_type

Set initial CapMem config.

By default, a value of zero is written to all cells.

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v4::ColumnCorrelationQuad, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v4::ColumnCorrelationQuadOnDLS> column_correlation_quad_type

Set ColumnCorrelationQuad/Switch connections.

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v4::ColumnCurrentQuad, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v4::ColumnCurrentQuadOnDLS> column_current_quad_type

Set ColumnCurrentQuad/Switch connections.

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::v4::CommonCorrelationConfig, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v4::CommonCorrelationConfigOnDLS> common_correlation_config_type

Set common correlation config.

typedef halco::common::typed_array<haldls::vx::CommonNeuronBackendConfig, halco::hicann_dls::vx::v4::CommonNeuronBackendConfigOnDLS> common_neuron_backend_config_type

Set common neuron backend with clocks enabled.

If clocks are disabled, it may behave strangely.

typedef detail::InitGenerator::Result Result

Public Functions


Default constructor.

Public Members

adplls_type adplls
capmem_block_config_type capmem_block_config
capmem_block_type capmem_config
column_correlation_quad_type column_correlation_quad_config
column_current_quad_type column_current_quad_config
common_correlation_config_type common_correlation_config
common_neuron_backend_config_type common_neuron_backend_config
lola::vx::DACChannelBlock dac_channel_block

DAC channel configs on xBoard.

lola::vx::DACControlBlock dac_control_block

DAC control config on xBoard.

bool enable_capmem

Select whether the CapMem should be enabled.


The CapMem initialization requires highspeed access.

bool enable_highspeed_link

Enable Highspeed connection.


Disabling this discards all highspeed related configuration.

bool enable_xboard

Enable xBoard DAC and shift register configuration.

Disabling this allows to discard unnecessary configuration when simulating.


Disabling this discards all xBoard configuration

haldls::vx::EventRecordingConfig event_recording

Event recording config, defaults to active recording.

struct stadls::vx::v4::detail::InitGenerator::HighspeedLink highspeed_link
haldls::vx::InstructionTimeoutConfig instruction_timeout

Instruction timeout duration on FPGA config.

haldls::vx::JTAGClockScaler jtag_clock_scaler

JTAG clock scaler setting.

lola::vx::v4::MemoryTiming memory_timing

Memory timing settings.

haldls::vx::v4::PLLClockOutputBlock pll_clock_output_block

PLL clock output block setting.

haldls::vx::v4::ReferenceGeneratorConfig reference_generator_config

Generate usable reference current for the CapMem.

haldls::vx::ShiftRegister shift_register

Shift register on xBoard config.

haldls::vx::SynapseBiasSelection synapse_bias_selection

Select internal bias currents for synapses.

Private Functions

PlaybackGeneratorReturn<Result> generate() const

Generate PlaybackProgramBuilder.


PlaybackGeneratorReturn instance with sequence embodied and specified Result value


friend auto generate(ExperimentInit const&)
template<typename T>
struct stadls::WriteAddressVisitor
#include <visitors.h>

Extract addresses for writing to hardware for the visited containers.

Each container can provide addresses via a write_addresses member function or via a addresses member function in case the addresses for reading and writing are the same. Containers that do not themselves contain data to be written to the hardware (i.e. containers of containers) can alternatively be tagged via

typedef std::false_type has_local_data;

Public Functions

template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline void operator()(CoordinateT const &coord, ContainerT&)

Public Members

T &addresses

Private Functions

template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline auto impl(CoordinateT const &coord) -> decltype(ContainerT::addresses(coord), void())
template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline auto impl(CoordinateT const &coord) -> decltype(ContainerT::template addresses<typename T::value_type>(coord), void())
template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline auto impl(CoordinateT const &coord) -> decltype(ContainerT::template write_addresses<typename T::value_type>(coord), void())
template<typename CoordinateT, typename ContainerT>
inline auto impl(CoordinateT const &coord) -> decltype(ContainerT::write_addresses(coord), void())
namespace cereal


template<typename Archive, typename DoneType>
void CEREAL_SERIALIZE_FUNCTION_NAME(Archive &ar, stadls::vx::detail::Dumper<DoneType> &value, std::uint32_t const version)
template<typename Archive, typename BuilderStorage, typename DoneType>
void CEREAL_SERIALIZE_FUNCTION_NAME(Archive &ar, stadls::vx::detail::PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter<BuilderStorage, DoneType> &value, std::uint32_t const version)
template<typename Archive>
void CEREAL_SERIALIZE_FUNCTION_NAME(Archive &ar, stadls::vx::PlaybackProgram &value, std::uint32_t const version)
template<typename Archive>
void CEREAL_SERIALIZE_FUNCTION_NAME(Archive &ar, stadls::vx::v3::DumperDone &value, std::uint32_t const version)
template<typename Archive>
void CEREAL_SERIALIZE_FUNCTION_NAME(Archive &ar, stadls::vx::v4::DumperDone &value, std::uint32_t const version)
namespace ContainerT
namespace fisch
namespace vx
namespace stadls
namespace stadls::vx


template<typename ContainerT>
using has_empty_container_visit_call = decltype(haldls::vx::detail::VisitPreorderImpl<ContainerT>::template call(std::declval<hate::Empty<ContainerT> const&>(), std::declval<typename ContainerT::coordinate_type>(), std::declval<detail::DummyVisitor>()))
template<typename ContainerT>
using has_empty_coordinate_visit_call = decltype(haldls::vx::detail::VisitPreorderImpl<ContainerT>::template call(std::declval<ContainerT&>(), std::declval<hate::Empty<typename ContainerT::coordinate_type>>(), std::declval<detail::DummyVisitor>()))
typedef fisch::vx::RunTimeInfo RunTimeInfo


inline void decode_ones(haldls::vx::v3::CapMemBlockConfig&)
inline void decode_ones(lola::vx::v3::CapMem&)
template<class T>
inline void decode_ones(T &config)

Decode data with all bits set to one into a container.

Template Parameters

T – Container type


Filled container

inline void decode_random(std::mt19937 &gen, haldls::vx::JTAGIdCode &config)
inline void decode_random(std::mt19937 &gen, haldls::vx::v3::CapMemBlockConfig &config)
inline void decode_random(std::mt19937 &gen, lola::vx::v3::CapMem &config)
inline void decode_random(std::mt19937 &gen, lola::vx::v3::Chip &config)
inline void decode_random(std::mt19937 &gen, lola::vx::v4::Chip &config)
template<class T>
inline void decode_random(std::mt19937 &gen, T &config)

Decode random data into a container.

Template Parameters

T – Container type


gen – RNG


randomly filled container

template<typename Seq>
auto generate(Seq const &seq)

Generate function to be called on an object implementing the PlaybackGenerator concept.

The PlaybackGenerator concept for a type Generator is comprised of having a nested Result type and a constant function with signature PlaybackGeneratorReturn<Generator::Result> generate() const;.

template<typename WordT, typename ContainerT, typename CoordinateT>
auto get_encode(ContainerT const &config, CoordinateT const &coord)
template<typename WordT, typename ContainerT, typename CoordinateT>
auto get_local_encode(ContainerT const &config, CoordinateT const &coord)
template<typename AddressT, typename CoordinateT, template<typename> typename CoordinateToContainer>
auto get_local_read_addresses(CoordinateT const &c)

Get read addresses which are local to this container, i.e.

which can be accessed via container.{read_,}addresses() as opposed to visiting the down-stream containers it is (also) comprised of. In the case of leaf-node containers this are all its read addresses.

template<typename AddressT, typename CoordinateT, template<typename> typename CoordinateToContainer>
auto get_local_write_addresses(CoordinateT const &c)

Get write addresses which are local to this container, i.e.

which can be accessed via container.{write,}addresses() as opposed to visiting the down-stream containers it is (also) comprised of. In the case of leaf-node containers this are all its write addresses.

template<typename AddressT, typename CoordinateT, template<typename> typename CoordinateToContainer>
auto get_read_addresses(CoordinateT const &c)
template<typename AddressT, typename CoordinateT, template<typename> typename CoordinateToContainer>
auto get_write_addresses(CoordinateT const &c)
template std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, stadls::vx::AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder< stadls::vx::v3::PlaybackProgramBuilder > const &)
template<typename BuilderType>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder<BuilderType> const &builder)
template<typename Connection>
RunTimeInfo run(Connection &connection, PlaybackProgram &&program)

Transfer and execute the given playback program and fetch results.

Template Parameters

Connection – Connection type to be used for running the program

  • connection – Connection instance to be used for running the program

  • programPlaybackProgram to run


Run time information

template<typename Connection>
RunTimeInfo run(Connection &connection, PlaybackProgram &program)

Transfer and execute the given playback program and fetch results.

Template Parameters

Connection – Connection type to be used for running the program

  • connection – Connection instance to be used for running the program

  • programPlaybackProgram to run


Run time information

template<typename Connection>
RunTimeInfo run(Connection &connection, std::shared_ptr<fisch::vx::PlaybackProgram> const &program)

Transfer and execute the given fisch playback program and fetch results.

Template Parameters

Connection – Connection type to be used for running the program

  • connection – Connection instance to be used for running the program

  • programPlaybackProgram to run


Run time information

template<typename WordT, typename ContainerT, typename CoordinateT, size_t N>
void set_decode(ContainerT &config, CoordinateT const &coord, std::array<WordT, N> const &data)
template<typename WordT, typename ContainerT, typename CoordinateT>
void set_decode(ContainerT &config, CoordinateT const &coord, std::vector<WordT> const &data)
template<typename WordT, typename ContainerT, typename CoordinateT, size_t N>
void set_local_decode(ContainerT &config, CoordinateT const &coord, std::array<WordT, N> const &data)


constexpr size_t playback_memory_size_to_fpga = fisch::vx::playback_memory_size_to_fpga

Playback memory FIFO size on FPGA in instructions for playback execution.

template<typename ContainerT>
constexpr bool supports_empty_container_v = hate::is_detected_v<has_empty_container_visit_call, ContainerT>
template<typename ContainerT>
constexpr bool supports_empty_coordinate_v = hate::is_detected_v<has_empty_coordinate_visit_call, ContainerT> && detail::container_supports_empty_coordinate_v<ContainerT>
namespace stadls::vx::detail


template<typename T, typename C>
using has_addresses = decltype(std::declval<T&>().addresses(std::declval<C>()))
template<typename T, typename C, typename A> has_addresses_templated = decltype(std::declval< T & >().template addresses< A >(std::declval< C >()))
template<typename T, typename C>
using has_decode = decltype(std::declval<T&>().decode(std::declval<C>()))
template<typename T, typename C, typename CC>
using has_decode_coordinate = decltype(std::declval<T&>().decode(std::declval<CC const&>(), std::declval<C>()))
template<typename T, typename C, typename CC, typename A> has_decode_coordinate_templated = decltype(std::declval< T & >().template decode< A >(std::declval< CC const  & >(), std::declval< C >()))

Helpers for checking if decode exists.

This is used to compile-time dispatch to the correct version below.

template<typename T, typename C, typename A> has_decode_templated = decltype(std::declval< T & >().template decode< A >(std::declval< C >()))

Helpers for checking if decode exists.

This is used to compile-time dispatch to the correct version below.

template<typename T>
using has_encode = decltype(std::declval<T&>().encode())
template<typename T>
using has_encode_coordinate = decltype(std::declval<T&>().encode(std::declval<typename T::coordinate_type const&>()))
template<typename T, typename W> has_encode_coordinate_templated = decltype(std::declval< T & >().template encode< W >(std::declval< typename T::coordinate_type const  & >()))
template<typename T, typename W> has_encode_templated = decltype(std::declval< T & >().template encode< W >())

Helpers for checking if encode exists and in which form (templated vs.

non-templated). This is used to compile-time dispatch to the correct version below.

template<typename T, typename C>
using has_read_addresses = decltype(std::declval<T&>().read_addresses(std::declval<C>()))
template<typename T, typename C, typename A> has_read_addresses_templated = decltype(std::declval< T & >().template read_addresses< A >(std::declval< C >()))

Helpers for checking if {read_,write_,}addresses exists and in which form (templated vs.

non-templated). This is used to compile-time dispatch to the correct version below.

template<typename T, typename C>
using has_write_addresses = decltype(std::declval<T&>().write_addresses(std::declval<C>()))
template<typename T, typename C, typename A> has_write_addresses_templated = decltype(std::declval< T & >().template write_addresses< A >(std::declval< C >()))


template<typename T>
size_t count_decoding_words(T const &config)

Get number of words expected for decoding.

Template Parameters

T – Container type




Number of words for default backend

template<typename T>
T::coordinate_type get_coord(T const &config)

Get coordinate matching container, e.g.

with respect to size.

Template Parameters

T – Container type





template std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter< fisch::vx::PlaybackProgramBuilder, stadls::vx::PlaybackProgram > const &)
template std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter< stadls::vx::v3::Dumper, stadls::vx::v3::Dumper::done_type > const &)
template<typename T>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Dumper<T> const &builder)

Altered ostream

template<typename T, typename U>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter<T, U> const &builder)


template<typename ContainerT>
constexpr bool container_supports_empty_coordinate_v = container_supports_empty_coordinate<ContainerT>::value
namespace stadls::vx::ppu


template<typename ContainerT, template<typename> typename CoordinateToContainer>
ContainerT read(typename ContainerT::coordinate_type const &coord)
template<typename ContainerT, template<typename> typename CoordinateToContainer>
void write(typename ContainerT::coordinate_type const &coord, ContainerT const &config)
namespace stadls::vx::v3


using AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder = stadls::vx::AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramBuilder<stadls::vx::v3::PlaybackProgramBuilder>
using AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramContainerTicket = stadls::vx::AbsoluteTimePlaybackProgramContainerTicket
hate::type_list<#define PLAYBACK_CONTAINER(Name, Type) # 13 "/jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls/include/stadls/vx/v3/coordinate_to_container.h" 2#define LAST_PLAYBACK_CONTAINER(Name, Type) #define PLAYBACK_CONTAINER(Name, Type) # 16 "/jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls/include/stadls/vx/v3/coordinate_to_container.h" 2 > container_list

List of container types used to resolve a container type from a coordinate type.

using ContainerTicket = stadls::vx::ContainerTicket
hate::type_list<#define PLAYBACK_CONTAINER(Name, Type) # 25 "/jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls/include/stadls/vx/v3/coordinate_to_container.h" 2#define LAST_PLAYBACK_CONTAINER(Name, Type) #define PLAYBACK_CONTAINER(Name, Type) # 28 "/jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls/include/stadls/vx/v3/coordinate_to_container.h" 2 > coordinate_list

List of coordinate types sorted the same way as the container list.

using Dumper = stadls::vx::detail::Dumper<DumperDone>
template<typename Result>
using PlaybackGeneratorReturn = stadls::vx::PlaybackGeneratorReturn<PlaybackProgramBuilder, Result>
using PlaybackProgram = stadls::vx::PlaybackProgram
using PlaybackProgramBuilder = detail::PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter<fisch::vx::PlaybackProgramBuilder, PlaybackProgram>
using PlaybackProgramBuilderDumper = detail::PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter<Dumper, Dumper::done_type>
typedef stadls::vx::ReinitStackEntry ReinitStackEntry


PlaybackProgramBuilder convert_to_builder(Dumper::done_type const &cocos)

Convert a sequence of coordinate container pairs to a PlaybackProgramBuilder.


cocos – Coordinate-Container pair sequence

PlaybackProgramBuilder convert_to_builder(PlaybackProgramBuilderDumper &&dumper)

Convert a PlaybackProgramBuilderDumper to a PlaybackProgramBuilder (rvalue reference overload).

The dumper is emptied during the process.


dumper – Dumper to convert

PlaybackProgramBuilder convert_to_builder(PlaybackProgramBuilderDumper &dumper)

Convert a PlaybackProgramBuilderDumper to a PlaybackProgramBuilder.

The dumper is emptied during the process.


dumper – Dumper to convert

lola::vx::v3::Chip convert_to_chip(DumperDone const &dumperdone)

Convert the dumper result to a Chip config.

This conversion is not bijective.


dumperdone – Dumper result

lola::vx::v3::Chip convert_to_chip(DumperDone const &dumperdone, lola::vx::v3::Chip const &previous)

Convert the dumper result to a Chip config.

This conversion is not bijective.

  • dumperdone – Dumper result

  • previous – Optional previous ChipConfig to apply changes to

PlaybackProgramBuilderDumper convert_to_dumper(DumperDone const &cocos)

Convert a sequence of coordinate container pairs to a PlaybackProgramBuilderDumper.


cocos – Coordinate-Container pair sequence

template<typename ...Ts>
auto generate(Ts&&... args) -> decltype(stadls::vx::generate(std::forward<Ts>(args)...))
template<typename ...Ts>
auto run(Ts&&... args) -> decltype(stadls::vx::run(std::forward<Ts>(args)...))
namespace detail
namespace stadls::vx::v3::ppu


template<typename ContainerT>
ContainerT read(typename ContainerT::coordinate_type const &coord)
template<typename ContainerT>
void write(typename ContainerT::coordinate_type const &coord, ContainerT const &config)
namespace stadls::vx::v4


hate::type_list<#define PLAYBACK_CONTAINER(Name, Type) # 13 "/jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls/include/stadls/vx/v4/coordinate_to_container.h" 2#define LAST_PLAYBACK_CONTAINER(Name, Type) #define PLAYBACK_CONTAINER(Name, Type) # 16 "/jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls/include/stadls/vx/v4/coordinate_to_container.h" 2 > container_list

List of container types used to resolve a container type from a coordinate type.

using ContainerTicket = stadls::vx::ContainerTicket
hate::type_list<#define PLAYBACK_CONTAINER(Name, Type) # 25 "/jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls/include/stadls/vx/v4/coordinate_to_container.h" 2#define LAST_PLAYBACK_CONTAINER(Name, Type) #define PLAYBACK_CONTAINER(Name, Type) # 28 "/jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls/include/stadls/vx/v4/coordinate_to_container.h" 2 > coordinate_list

List of coordinate types sorted the same way as the container list.

using Dumper = stadls::vx::detail::Dumper<DumperDone>
template<typename Result>
using PlaybackGeneratorReturn = stadls::vx::PlaybackGeneratorReturn<PlaybackProgramBuilder, Result>
using PlaybackProgram = stadls::vx::PlaybackProgram
using PlaybackProgramBuilder = detail::PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter<fisch::vx::PlaybackProgramBuilder, PlaybackProgram>
using PlaybackProgramBuilderDumper = detail::PlaybackProgramBuilderAdapter<Dumper, Dumper::done_type>
typedef stadls::vx::ReinitStackEntry ReinitStackEntry


PlaybackProgramBuilder convert_to_builder(Dumper::done_type const &cocos)

Convert a sequence of coordinate container pairs to a PlaybackProgramBuilder.


cocos – Coordinate-Container pair sequence

PlaybackProgramBuilder convert_to_builder(PlaybackProgramBuilderDumper &&dumper)

Convert a PlaybackProgramBuilderDumper to a PlaybackProgramBuilder (rvalue reference overload).

The dumper is emptied during the process.


dumper – Dumper to convert

PlaybackProgramBuilder convert_to_builder(PlaybackProgramBuilderDumper &dumper)

Convert a PlaybackProgramBuilderDumper to a PlaybackProgramBuilder.

The dumper is emptied during the process.


dumper – Dumper to convert

lola::vx::v4::Chip convert_to_chip(DumperDone const &dumperdone)

Convert the dumper result to a Chip config.

This conversion is not bijective.


dumperdone – Dumper result

lola::vx::v4::Chip convert_to_chip(DumperDone const &dumperdone, lola::vx::v4::Chip const &previous)

Convert the dumper result to a Chip config.

This conversion is not bijective.

  • dumperdone – Dumper result

  • previous – Optional previous ChipConfig to apply changes to

PlaybackProgramBuilderDumper convert_to_dumper(DumperDone const &cocos)

Convert a sequence of coordinate container pairs to a PlaybackProgramBuilderDumper.


cocos – Coordinate-Container pair sequence

template<typename ...Ts>
auto generate(Ts&&... args) -> decltype(stadls::vx::generate(std::forward<Ts>(args)...))
template<typename ...Ts>
auto run(Ts&&... args) -> decltype(stadls::vx::run(std::forward<Ts>(args)...))
namespace detail
namespace stadls::vx::v4::ppu


template<typename ContainerT>
ContainerT read(typename ContainerT::coordinate_type const &coord)
template<typename ContainerT>
void write(typename ContainerT::coordinate_type const &coord, ContainerT const &config)
namespace std

STL namespace.

file visitors.h
#include <>
#include <>
#include <>
#include <>
#include <>
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
file addresses.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/visitors.h
#include <>
#include <>
file constants.h
#include “”
file dumper.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
file dumper.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/dumper.h
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
#include <>
file dumper.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/dumper.h
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
#include <>
file encode.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/visitors.h
#include <>
#include <>
file genpybind.h
#include <genpybind.h>


file run_time_info.h
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
file set_decode.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/visitors.h
#include <>
file stadls.h
#include “stadls/vx/constants.h
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/run.h
file stadls.h
#include “stadls/vx/v3/dumper.h
#include “stadls/vx/v3/run.h
file stadls.h
#include “stadls/vx/v4/dumper.h
#include “stadls/vx/v4/run.h
file supports_empty.h
#include “”
#include “”
file absolute_time_playback_program_builder.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
#include <>
#include <>
#include <>
file absolute_time_playback_program_builder.h
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
file absolute_time_playback_program_container_ticket.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
#include <>
#include <>
file absolute_time_playback_program_container_ticket.h
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
file container_ticket.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
#include <>
#include <>
#include <>
#include <>
#include “”


file container_ticket.h
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
file container_ticket.h
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
file coordinate_to_container.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”


file coordinate_to_container.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”


file decode.h
#include <>
#include <>
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/visitors.h
#include “”


CONCAT(w, x, y, z)
file decode.h
#include “stadls/vx/decode.h
#include “”


file decode.h
#include “stadls/vx/decode.h
#include “”


file dumperdone.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
#include <>
#include <>
#include <>
file dumperdone.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
#include <>
#include <>
#include <>
file init_generator.h
#include “”
file init_generator.h
#include “”
file playback_generator.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
file playback_generator.h
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
file playback_generator.h
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
file playback_program.h
#include <>
#include <>
#include <>
#include <>
#include <>
#include <>
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
#include <>
file playback_program.h
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
file playback_program.h
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
file playback_program_builder.h
#include <>
#include <>
#include <>
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/dumper.h
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
file playback_program_builder.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
#include “stadls/vx/v3/dumper.h
#include <>
file playback_program_builder.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
#include “stadls/vx/v4/dumper.h
#include <>
file read.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/addresses.h
#include “stadls/vx/set_decode.h
#include <>
#include <>
file read.h
#include “stadls/vx/ppu/read.h


file read.h
#include “stadls/vx/ppu/read.h


file write.h
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/addresses.h
#include “stadls/vx/encode.h
#include <>
#include <>
#include <>
file write.h
#include “stadls/vx/ppu/write.h


file write.h
#include “stadls/vx/ppu/write.h


file pystadls.h
#include <>
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
#include “stadls/vx/v3/stadls.h
file pystadls.h
#include <>
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
#include “stadls/vx/v4/stadls.h
file reinit_stack_entry.h
#include “”
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
#include <>
#include <>
#include “”
file reinit_stack_entry.h
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
file reinit_stack_entry.h
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
file run.h
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
#include “”
file run.h
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
#include “stadls/vx/run.h
file run.h
#include “stadls/vx/genpybind.h
#include “stadls/vx/run.h
dir /jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls
dir /jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls/include
dir /jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls/include/stadls/vx/ppu
dir /jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls/include/stadls/vx/v3/ppu
dir /jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls/include/stadls/vx/v4/ppu
dir /jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls/include/stadls
dir /jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls/include/stadls/vx/v3
dir /jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls/include/stadls/vx/v4
dir /jenkins/jenlib_workspaces_f9/doc_gerrit_documentation-brainscales2-dependencies.ZG9jX2dlcnJpdF9kb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uLWJyYWluc2NhbGVzMi1kZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMjMTMzNjE.x/haldls/include/stadls/vx