Experiment execution

Use the following instructions to login, load the pre-built software package and run experiments on the UHEI cluster.

Login to UHEI cluster

  • From the network of the Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics:

ssh KIPUSER@hel
  • Otherwise:

ssh s1ext_someuser@gitviz.kip.uni-heidelberg.de -p 11022

Load and build software

To load and build software for the BSS-2 system these modules are needed. Get them by using:

module load waf
module load ppu-toolchain
module load localdir

These three commands must be loaded for every environment, and in particular, after logging in.

To checkout all important software repositories use:

# leave out the --repo-db-url=... parameter to use the "UHEI-internal" repositories
waf setup --project template-experiment-dls --repo-db-url=https://github.com/electronicvisions/projects

To build the software use:

srun -p compile -c 8 --pty singularity exec --app visionary-dls /containers/stable/latest waf configure install