
class calix.hagen.neuron_synin.ExcSynBiasCalib(target_leak_read: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, parameter_range: calix.common.base.ParameterRange = ParameterRange(lower=0, upper=1022), target: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, recalibrate_reference: bool = True)

Bases: calix.hagen.neuron_synin.SynBiasCalib

Class for calibrating the excitatory synaptic input bias current.

__init__(target_leak_read: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, parameter_range: calix.common.base.ParameterRange = ParameterRange(lower=0, upper=1022), target: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, recalibrate_reference: bool = True)
  • target_leak_read – Target CADC read for synaptic input reference potential calibration, which is called after each change of the bias current. This parameter must be given if recalibrate_reference is True (default), but can be left None otherwise.

  • parameter_range – Allowed range of synaptic input OTA bias current.

  • target – Target amplitudes for events. If given, the measurement of target amplitudes in prelude is skipped. This can be useful when calibrating inhibitory and excitatory synaptic inputs to the same amplitude targets.

  • recalibrate_reference – Decide whether the OTA’s reference potential is recalibrated during prelude and each time the bias current is touched.


ValueError – If target_leak_read is None while recalibrate_references is True.
