
class hxtorch.spiking.execution_instance.NeuronPlacement

Bases: object

Tracks assignment of pyNN IDs of HXNeuron based populations to the corresponding hardware entities, i.e. LogicalNeuronOnDLS.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.



Initialize self.


Get hardware coordinate from pyNN int.

register_id(neuron_id, shape[, …])

Register a new ID to placement :param neuron_id: pyNN neuron ID to be registered :param shape: The shape of the neurons on hardware. :param placement_constraint: A logical neuron or a list of logical neurons, each corresponding to one ID in neuron_id.

id2logicalneuron(neuron_id: Union[List[int], int])Union[List[pyhalco_hicann_dls_vx_v3.LogicalNeuronOnDLS], pyhalco_hicann_dls_vx_v3.LogicalNeuronOnDLS]

Get hardware coordinate from pyNN int. :param neuron_id: pyNN neuron int

register_id(neuron_id: Union[List[int], int], shape: pyhalco_hicann_dls_vx_v3.LogicalNeuronCompartments, placement_constraint: Optional[Union[List[pyhalco_hicann_dls_vx_v3.LogicalNeuronOnDLS], pyhalco_hicann_dls_vx_v3.LogicalNeuronOnDLS]] = None)

Register a new ID to placement :param neuron_id: pyNN neuron ID to be registered :param shape: The shape of the neurons on hardware. :param placement_constraint: A logical neuron or a list of logical

neurons, each corresponding to one ID in neuron_id.