Definition of ExecutionInstance, wrapping grenade.common.ExecutionInstanceID, and providing functionality for chip instance configuration |
Defining basic types to create hw-executable instances |
Defining tensor handles able to hold references to tensors for lazy assignment after hardware data acquisition |
User defined neuron morphologies. |
Defining neuron placement allocator |
Hardware observables object |
Generic parameter object holding hardware configurable neuron parameters. |
Execute the given experiment. |
Batch dropout layer |
Experiment class for describing experiments on hardware |
PyTorch module supplying basic functionality for elements of SNNs that do have a representation on hardware |
Class to wrap HXModules |
Base class for HX tensor handles. |
Integrate-and-fire neuron Caveat: For execution on hardware, this module can only be used in conjunction with a preceding Synapse module. |
Spike source generating spikes at the times [ms] given in the spike_times array. |
Neuron layer |
Specialization for HX neuron observables |
Readout neuron layer |
Specialization for HX neuron observables |
Sparse synapse layer |
Synapse layer |
Specialization for HX synapses |
Specialization for single tensor, mostly for testing |
(experiment: hxtorch.spiking.experiment.Experiment, runtime: Optional[int]) → Optional[_pygrenade_vx_signal_flow.ExecutionTimeInfo] Execute the given experiment.
TODO: Why is this a standalone function?
- Parameters
experiment – The experiment representing the computational graph to be executed on hardware and/or in software.
runtime – Only relevant for hardware experiments. Indicates the runtime resolved with experiment.dt.