
class pynn_brainscales.brainscales2.simulator.NeuronCalibTarget(leak: Union[int, numpy.ndarray] = 80, reset: Union[int, numpy.ndarray] = 70, threshold: Union[int, numpy.ndarray] = 125, tau_mem: quantities.quantity.Quantity = <factory>, tau_syn: quantities.quantity.Quantity = <factory>, i_synin_gm: Union[int, numpy.ndarray] = 500, e_coba_reversal: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, e_coba_reference: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, membrane_capacitance: Union[int, numpy.ndarray] = 63, refractory_time: quantities.quantity.Quantity = <factory>, synapse_dac_bias: int = 600, holdoff_time: quantities.quantity.Quantity = <factory>)

Bases: calix.common.base.CalibTarget

Target parameters for the neuron calibration.

Calib target parameters: :ivar leak: Target CADC read at leak (resting) potential. :ivar reset: Target CADC read at reset potential. :ivar threshold: Target CADC read near spike threshold. :ivar tau_mem: Membrane time constant. :ivar tau_syn: Synaptic input time constant.

If a single float value is given, it is used for all synaptic inputs on all neurons, excitatory and inhibitory. If a numpy array of floats is given, it can be shaped (2, 512) for the excitatory and inhibitory synaptic input of each neuron. It can also be shaped (2,) for the excitatory and inhibitory synaptic input of all neurons, or shaped (512,) for both inputs per neuron.

  • i_synin_gm – Synaptic input strength as CapMem bias current. Here, if a single value is given, both excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs are calibrated to a target measured as the median of all neurons at this setting. If an array shaped (2,) is given, the values are used as excitatory and inhibitory target values, respectively. If an array (512,) or (2, 512) is given, the synaptic input strength is NOT calibrated, as this array would already be the result of calibration. Instead, the values are set up per neuron and used during the later parts, i.e. synaptic input reference calibration.

  • e_coba_reversal – COBA synaptic input reversal potential. At this potential, the synaptic input strength will be zero. The distance between COBA reversal and reference potential determines the strength of the amplitude modulation. Note that in biological context, the difference between reference and reversal potentials is a scaling factor for the conductance achieved by an input event. Optional: If None, the synaptic input will use CUBA mode for all neurons. Given as an array (2,) for excitatory and inhibitory synaptic input, respectively; or an array (2, 512) for individual targets per neuron. Given in CADC units. The values may exceed the dynamic range of leak and CADC. In this case, the calibration is performed at a lower, linearly interpolated value. You can also disable COBA modulation per neuron by setting np.inf or -np.inf as reversal potentials for excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs, respectively.

  • e_coba_reference – COBA synaptic input reference potential: At this potential, the original CUBA synaptic input strength, given via i_synin_gm, is not modified by COBA modulation. Optional: If None or numpy.nan, the midpoint between leak and threshold will be used. Given as an array (2,) for excitatory and inhibitory synaptic input, respectively; or an array (2, 512) for individual targets per neuron. Given in CADC units. The values must be reachable by the leak term, and the dynamic range of the CADC must allow for measurement of synaptic input amplitudes on top of this potential. We recommend choosing a value between the leak and threshold.

  • membrane_capacitance – Selected membrane capacitance. The available range is 0 to approximately 2.2 pF, represented as 0 to 63 LSB.

  • refractory_time – Refractory time, given with a unit as quantities.quantity.Quantity.

  • synapse_dac_bias – Synapse DAC bias current that is desired. Can be lowered in order to reduce the amplitude of a spike at the input of the synaptic input OTA. This can be useful to avoid saturation when using larger synaptic time constants.

  • holdoff_time – Target length of the holdoff period. The holdoff period is the time at the end of the refractory period in which the clamping to the reset voltage is already released but new spikes can still not be generated.

__init__(leak: Union[int, numpy.ndarray] = 80, reset: Union[int, numpy.ndarray] = 70, threshold: Union[int, numpy.ndarray] = 125, tau_mem: quantities.quantity.Quantity = <factory>, tau_syn: quantities.quantity.Quantity = <factory>, i_synin_gm: Union[int, numpy.ndarray] = 500, e_coba_reversal: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, e_coba_reference: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, membrane_capacitance: Union[int, numpy.ndarray] = 63, refractory_time: quantities.quantity.Quantity = <factory>, synapse_dac_bias: int = 600, holdoff_time: quantities.quantity.Quantity = <factory>)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__([leak, reset, threshold, tau_mem, …])

Initialize self.


Check whether parameters have the right types and shapes.


Check whether calibration targets are feasible.












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Check whether parameters have the right types and shapes.

  • TypeError – If time constants are not given with a unit from the quantities package.

  • ValueError – If shape of parameters is bad.


Check whether calibration targets are feasible.

Log warnings if the parameters are out of the typical range which can be calibrated and raise an error if the time constants exceed the range which can be handled by the calibration routine.


ValueError – If target parameters are outside the allowed range for spiking neuron calibration.

e_coba_reference: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None
e_coba_reversal: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None
feasible_ranges: ClassVar[Dict[str, calix.common.base.ParameterRange]] = {'e_coba_reference': ParameterRange(lower=60, upper=160), 'e_coba_reversal': ParameterRange(lower=-inf, upper=inf), 'holdoff_time': ParameterRange(lower=array(0.) * ns, upper=array(4.) * us), 'i_synin_gm': ParameterRange(lower=30, upper=800), 'leak': ParameterRange(lower=50, upper=160), 'membrane_capacitance': ParameterRange(lower=0, upper=63), 'refractory_time': ParameterRange(lower=array(40.) * ns, upper=array(32.) * us), 'reset': ParameterRange(lower=50, upper=160), 'synapse_dac_bias': ParameterRange(lower=30, upper=1022), 'tau_mem': ParameterRange(lower=array(0.5) * us, upper=array(60.) * us), 'tau_syn': ParameterRange(lower=array(0.3) * us, upper=array(30.) * us), 'threshold': ParameterRange(lower=50, upper=220)}
holdoff_time: quantities.quantity.Quantity
i_synin_gm: Union[int, numpy.ndarray] = 500
leak: Union[int, numpy.ndarray] = 80
membrane_capacitance: Union[int, numpy.ndarray] = 63
refractory_time: quantities.quantity.Quantity
reset: Union[int, numpy.ndarray] = 70
synapse_dac_bias: int = 600
tau_mem: quantities.quantity.Quantity
tau_syn: quantities.quantity.Quantity
threshold: Union[int, numpy.ndarray] = 125