
class hxtorch.spiking.backend.module_manager.BaseModuleManager

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract base class for module manager




add_node(module, sources, target)

Adds a new module to the manager.


Adds a new wrapper to the manager.


Clear the internal graph and remove the module -> node and wrapper -> node mapping


Create a list of elements of form (module, sources, targets), which can be looped in the correct order.

abstract add_node(module: Union[hxtorch.spiking.modules.hx_module.HXBaseExperimentModule, Any], sources: Tuple[Any], target: Any)

Adds a new module to the manager. This method adds a node to the internal graph to represent the module. It assigned edges to this node holding the data in sources, resp. target. :param module: Module to represented in to the graph. :param sources: The sources to the node representing module. :param targets: The targets of the node representing module.

abstract add_wrapper(wrapper: Union[hxtorch.spiking.modules.hx_module_wrapper.HXModuleWrapper, Any])

Adds a new wrapper to the manager. This must be called after all modules wrapped by this wrapper are represented in the graph. internal graph to represent the module. It assigned edges to this node holding the data in sources, resp. target. :param module: Module to represented in to the graph.


Clear the internal graph and remove the module -> node and wrapper -> node mapping

abstract done()List[Tuple[Union[hxtorch.spiking.modules.hx_module.HXBaseExperimentModule, Any], Tuple[Any], Any]]

Create a list of elements of form (module, sources, targets), which can be looped in the correct order. :return: Returns the a list of nodes to be executed.