(experiment: Experiment, **modules: List[HXModule]) Bases:
Class to wrap HXModules
(experiment: Experiment, **modules: List[HXModule]) → None A module which wraps a number of HXModules defined in modules for which a single PyTorch-differential member function forward_func is defined. For instance, this allows to wrap a Synapse and a Neuron to describe recurrence.
- Parameters
experiment – The experiment to register this wrapper in.
modules – A list of modules to be represented by this wrapper.
(experiment, **modules)A module which wraps a number of HXModules defined in modules for which a single PyTorch-differential member function forward_func is defined.
(modules)Checks whether a list of modules modules is registered in the wrapper.
(input, output, hw_map)Execute the the forward function of the wrapper. This method assigns each output handle in output their corresponding PyTorch tensors and adds the wrapper’s forward_func to the PyTorch graph. :param input: A tuple of the input handles where each handle corresponds to a certain module. The order is defined by modules. Note, a module can have multiple input handles. :param output: A tuple of output handles, each corresponding to one module. The order is defined by modules. :param hw_map: The hardware data map.
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()Forward method registering layer operation in given experiment
(input[, hw_data])This function describes the unified functionality of all modules assigned to this wrapper. As for HXModules, this needs to be a PyTorch- differentiable function defined by PyTorch operations. The input and output of this member function is wrapped by (tuples of) Handles. The signature of this function is expected as: - Input: All input handles required for each module in modules as positional arguments in the order given by modules. - Outputs: Output a tuple of handles each corresponding to the output of one module in modules. The order is given by modules. - Additionally, hardware data can be accessed via a hw_data keyword arguments to which the the hardware data is supplied via a tuple holding the hardware data for each module.
(**modules)Update the modules and the function in the wrapper.
(modules: Union[hxtorch.spiking.modules.hx_module.HXModule, List[hxtorch.spiking.modules.hx_module.HXModule]]) → bool Checks whether a list of modules modules is registered in the wrapper. :param modules: The modules for which to check if they are registered. :return: Returns a bool indicating whether modules are a subset.
(input: Tuple[hxtorch.spiking.handle.TensorHandle], output: Tuple[hxtorch.spiking.handle.TensorHandle], hw_map: Dict[_pygrenade_vx_network.PopulationOnNetwork, Tuple[torch.Tensor]]) → None Execute the the forward function of the wrapper. This method assigns each output handle in output their corresponding PyTorch tensors and adds the wrapper’s forward_func to the PyTorch graph. :param input: A tuple of the input handles where each handle
corresponds to a certain module. The order is defined by modules. Note, a module can have multiple input handles.
- Parameters
output – A tuple of output handles, each corresponding to one module. The order is defined by modules.
hw_map – The hardware data map.
() → str Add additional information
() Forward method registering layer operation in given experiment
(input: hxtorch.spiking.handle.TensorHandle, hw_data: Optional[Tuple[torch.Tensor]] = None) → hxtorch.spiking.handle.TensorHandle This function describes the unified functionality of all modules assigned to this wrapper. As for HXModules, this needs to be a PyTorch- differentiable function defined by PyTorch operations. The input and output of this member function is wrapped by (tuples of) Handles. The signature of this function is expected as: - Input: All input handles required for each module in modules as
positional arguments in the order given by modules.
- Outputs: Output a tuple of handles each corresponding to the output
of one module in modules. The order is given by modules.
- Additionally, hardware data can be accessed via a hw_data keyword
arguments to which the the hardware data is supplied via a tuple holding the hardware data for each module.
: bool