
class hxtorch.spiking.experiment.Experiment(mock: bool = False, dt: float = 1e-06, hw_routing_func=<_pygrenade_vx_network_routing.PortfolioRouter object>)

Bases: hxtorch.spiking.experiment.BaseExperiment

Experiment class for describing experiments on hardware

__init__(mock: bool = False, dt: float = 1e-06, hw_routing_func=<_pygrenade_vx_network_routing.PortfolioRouter object>)None

Instantiate a new experiment, representing an experiment on hardware and/or in software.

  • mock – Indicating whether module is executed on hardware (False) or simulated in software (True).

  • input_loopback – Record input spikes and use them for gradient calculation. Depending on link congestion, this may or may not be beneficial for the calculated gradient’s precision.


__init__([mock, dt, hw_routing_func])

Instantiate a new experiment, representing an experiment on hardware and/or in software.


Reset the experiments’s state.

connect(module, input_handles, output_handle)

Add an module to the experiment and connect it to other experiment modules via input and output handles.


Add a wrapper module to the experiment and assign it to the experiments modules.


Executes the experiment in mock or on hardware using the information added to the experiment for a time given by runtime and returns a dict of hardware data represented as PyTorch data types.


Register a module as population.


Register a module as projection.



Getter for the default ExecutionInstance object.



Reset the experiments’s state. Corresponds to creating a new Experiment instance.

connect(module: torch.nn.modules.module.Module, input_handles: Tuple[hxtorch.spiking.handle.TensorHandle], output_handle: hxtorch.spiking.handle.TensorHandle)

Add an module to the experiment and connect it to other experiment modules via input and output handles.

  • module – The HXModule to add to the experiment.

  • input_handles – The TensorHandle serving as input to the module (its obsv_state).

  • output_handle – The TensorHandle outputted by the module, serving as input to subsequent HXModules.

connect_wrapper(wrapper: hxtorch.spiking.modules.hx_module_wrapper.HXModuleWrapper)

Add a wrapper module to the experiment and assign it to the experiments modules. In the PyTorch graph the individual module functions assigned to the wrapper are then bypassed and only the wrapper’s forward_func is considered when building the PyTorch graph. This functionality is of interest if several modules have cyclic dependencies and need to be represented by one PyTorch function.


wrapper – The HWModuleWrapper to add to the experiment.

property default_execution_instance

Getter for the default ExecutionInstance object. All modules that have the same Experiment instance assigned and do not hold an explicit ExecutionInstance are assigned to this default execution instance.


The default execution instance

get_hw_results(runtime: Optional[int])Dict[_pygrenade_vx_network.PopulationOnNetwork, Tuple[Optional[torch.Tensor], ]]

Executes the experiment in mock or on hardware using the information added to the experiment for a time given by runtime and returns a dict of hardware data represented as PyTorch data types.


runtime – The runtime of the experiment on hardware in ms.


Returns the data map as dict, where the keys are the population descriptors and values are tuples of values returned by the corresponding module’s post_process method.

property last_run_chip_configs
register_population(module: hxtorch.spiking.modules.hx_module.HXModule)None

Register a module as population.


module – The module to register as population.

register_projection(module: hxtorch.spiking.modules.hx_module.HXModule)None

Register a module as projection.


module – The module to register as projection.